
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I hope everyone is well Today:) Here is a little project we did using a recycled tuna can (case) , some earrings (eyes), pieces of a broken necklace (pink on ears) ribbon (bow) and a remnant of fur fabric:) It was very fun! We are shopping around for brown faux fur now:) Take care everyone:)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Asalaamu Alaikum Everyone:) I have been thinking sew much about this blog but I always have sew much to do that I feel like there is no time to post but I can't give up trying because my thoughts, ideas and desire to share them WON"T LEAVE ME ALOOOONE!!! Haaha!
I have been wanting to show you how I made the wallhouse that I posted on my Halal Dolls Facebook page here. It was very easy so, I kept the directions somewhat simple:

You will need:  Something to make the house (I used some wall paper that I found at a thrift store. You can also use fabric or wrapping paper, inshallah. You will need a ruler or a yardstick. A pair of scissors, a pencil and a box. I dont know what I used. Haha! It was like some shelf thing but seriously you can do this project with a cereal box (Inshallah I will show you how sometime).
Ok, we put the box on the paper about 3 inches from the edge. We wanted the left and right sides around the box to be three inches wide because we wanted to see more of the print:)

Next, we traced the inner sides and around the outer sides:)

 We moved the box and started on the roof which is just a triangle. We made sure that the bottom of the triangle  was 6 inches wider than the top of the square. ( remember that 3 inch wide frame?)

Finish off the


Now, cut out the center of the square.


Cut out the rest of the square.

and then cut out the triangle ( my familia thought we could have kept the triangle and square attached and just cut them out as one piece, he's right but I didn't do that this time.

This is what we had to put on the wall. We layed it on the Table to see how it would look before putting it on the wall.

The wallpaper was not self adhesive but I have a really neat cornstarch wallpaper paste recipe that you can use to apply wallpaper and fabric to a wall. It removes wonderfully as well:)

 There! It's finished:) The interior design of the wallhouse is another post. Hehe:)

Tah Tah for now:) Asalaamu Alaikum!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    Asalaamu alikum and welcome to our blog:) We hope that this will be a place that will inspire you and be a means of guidance in some ways as well inshallah:) My name is Rabiyyah and I have 7 children ranging in age of 15 years to 18 months:) We are all excited about this blog and invite you to come often because we have sew much to share. Until next time, salaams:) P.s I also have another blog called SewWonderfulandFullofWonder. I sew for myself and my children and there you will inshallah find tutorials and ideas inshallah. It too is a work in progress, Alhumdulilah:)